You know how volcanos can be. You have to constantly check
them to make sure they won't blow up or have lava come out. So who do you
call? Why, The Famous Company of course. Our on-staff volcanologists have gained extensive training by
watching the U.S. Geological Survey recommended movie
"Dante's Peak". Also, they have their own silver suits.
Key Benefits
 | We use many different instruments to check on your volcano. |
 | We don't get too close; the lava is hot. |
 | If your volcano is going to erupt, we'll tell you. |
2001 - Age 4

We know volcanos, inside and out. Red magma is under the
earth, orange lava comes out of the crater, and a gray ash-plume rises from
the volcano.

The Famous
Company employs top volcanologists with their own silver suits. Here, a
remote sensor is being used to detect volcanic gas. |